My Name is Jaime, and this is my Blog. I have entitled it "J'aime la vie". In French "J'aime" means "I Love" and "la Vie" means life. So really this blog is about loving life and the journey along the way! Follow along with me as I travel, learn and discover. Read about my crazy adventures and memorable stories. I’ll be passing along helpful tidbits of information from my life and my studies on how to keep the body, mind and soul nourished. So stay tuned! Peace, Love and Laughter y'all!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Final Film Project: Friendly, Harmless but Homeless Documentary
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Second Film Project!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Film Studies Project #1
Friday, October 8, 2010
Sweet Words From a Loveable Bear
- When late morning rolls around and you're feeling a bit out of sorts, don't worry; you're probably just a little eleven o'clockish.
- It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn't use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like "What about lunch?"
- A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference.
- If the person you are talking to doesn't appear to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear.
- Just because an animal is large, it doesn't mean he doesn't want kindness; however big Tigger seems to be, remember that he wants as much kindness as Roo.
- Don't underestimate the value of doing nothing, of just going along, listeningto all the things you can't hear, and not bothering.
- If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together. There is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart... I'll always be with you. (This quote is so beautiful, and I hope someone says this to me someday!)
- If there ever comes a day when we can't be together keep me in your heart, I'll stay there forever .
- If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Discussion Question #5
(On Ronald Trosper's Lecture - Resilience and Sustainability of the Northwest Coast Indigenous Institutions)
Ronald Trosper’s idea of communal sharing of resources painted a pretty picture of how communities should operate, although impractical in today’s global society. I agree that everyone prospers when a group works together. Our last few days of team building are perfect examples of this.
No doubt pooling resources mitigates individual desires to exploit shared resources. Exploiting any resource when you are not the sole proprietor just doesn’t make sense, period. Actually, exploiting your resources never makes sense, period. Long-term sustainability, anyone? More to my point, why would someone work above and beyond his or her communal responsibility when there is no personal gain? Human nature works like this: I’ll help you- so you can help me. When someone has a vested interest in another’s success, of course they want him or her to prosper, because that means you also prosper. There is always a transfer of “payment” no matter how good the intentions of the seller are, even if payment is “this will make me feel good about myself”.
Additionally, how do you keep freeloaders from exploiting the system? Trosper’s suggestion of public ridicule may work on a small-scale community, when one’s reputation is all he has to live by. But how can we use this model to solve modern day problems? Fox News, SNL and the Colbert Report are trying their best, but are the leaders really listening? Maybe if globally people started implementing this mentality locally Trosper’s idea of communal sharing could succeed. Still, what is the most effective way to send this message to the global community?
An interesting take away message from tonight’s lectures is the idea of publically disclosed wealth. The North-West Coast native communities found increased accountability with increased transparency. Even though completely unrealistic, I am curious to know how this would change the accountability of corporate America? If multi-million, and even multi-billionaire CEO’s, in their race for supremacy had to justify their accumulated wealth, would they choose differently? Would they be more generous with their ludicrous salaries?
Discussion Question #4
(On Jean Jaques Rousseau's Discourse on the Origins of Inequality)
Rousseau claims that the creation of society is the root of inequality. Not inequality in the sense of physical inequality, which is present throughout nature and something we cannot control. But rather, it is the moral or social inequality that has created a massive separation among humans. Through the introduction of civilization ‘savage man’s’ desire for self-preservation has morphed into an obsessive need for self-perfection. It is true that humanities constant need for self-perfection has brought the ‘savage man’ out of the forest and into our “cushy” modern day society. Yet, has humanity’s progress actually created a better society? Is de-evolution realistically possible? But, more importantly is equality an achievable goal? For, I am not prepared to go back to the forest, and run around naked; I like my life. Even though I consider myself a good person, I must accept that in our modern civilization some inequalities are unavoidable. What would Rousseau have to say to me?
Discussion Question #3
(On Daniel Quinn’s Novel Ishmael – I highly recommend this book!)
Daniel Quinn brings to light many interesting concepts in his novel Ishmael. His highly amusing character selection of a wise gorilla as the “teacher” and a human as his “pupil” is also highly ironic; due to the fact humans are to have evolved from primates. We usually consider ourselves above our primitive cousins, and have nothing to learn from them. Yet, here is a wise gorilla teaching humankind how to save the world by living in harmony with natural law. Yet, the God-like complex of the “taker” civilization has humanity believing the world is ours to conquer. Why are we so afraid of natural law? Why MUST we conquer and control everything? AND, here’s the kicker – we cannot survive without nature. We may be powerful but we are not immortal. We have consciousness – but we are not above nature.
Is the “taker” civilization destructive enough to stop evolution in its tracks, or will equilibrium eventually be achieved with or without our support? If humans are just a blip in the evolutionary process what will our successors evolve into? What human traits are worth keeping?
Discussion Question #2
(On Genesis - Christianity's Creation Myth)
Because life on earth can be confusing place at the best of times humankind attempts to make sense of this world in different ways. One way that humanity has made sense of life is through the art of storytelling. In Genesis 1-11 Yaweh, the God of all creation gave humans the ability to achieve whatever they plan (11-6). Next, Yaweh decided to scatter his people all over the world, and give them different languages so they could not understand each other. Could it be that Yaweh intended his/her creations to achieve their goals independent of one another as different civilizations? Or is it possible that Yaweh, similar to the Raven in Native American legends, is a curious trickster interested in testing the abilities of his creation?
Discussion Question #1
As a collective, the human race likes to separate our unique species from the rest of the natural world. Most of “us” turn our noses up to animalistic behavior, as we are far too civilized to engage in such crude behavior. Why is it that we see ourselves as separate, or above nature? If you think about it, we the “highly evolved” human race are in fact animals. We pride ourselves on being the top of the food chain, yet we are not particularly well equipped physically for such an accomplishment.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Quest September Block - Cornerstone
Writing Assignment #3 - My Most Treasured Possession
My most treasured possession is my family. Not that I can actually possess them, however my life would not be the same without them. Through the challenges and adventures I have encountered so far in my life I have come to realize it is the experiences, and the people who help define the memories, that make life truly rich. Investing in my family, whether they are part of my lineage, or connected to me through the bonds of friendship, will continue to be my best “financial” decision. Family, in its simplicity, does not require any monetary commitments. The investment required is purely emotional. Emotional investments come with their own set of risks; however, the benefits I continually receive from my family far outweigh any benefits an inanimate object could ever provide.
We have become a society obsessed with buying things, yet these objects will never replace our connection to other human beings. Objects are purely objects. The only life they have is the one we give them. Cars, bikes and motor vehicles get old, rusty and eventually fall apart. Trinkets take up space on a shelf gathering dust. And, clothing hangs in a closet - in one season and out the next. Family has life a life of its own. The individuals that make up your family help make the stories of your lifetime. Yet, just like cars, trinkets, and clothing if we don’t make time to nurture the relationship, the connections will get rusty, fall apart and eventually discarded. The memories will last, yet they will sit upon a shelf collecting dust. And, plans for the future will drift to the back of your mind just waiting to become an actual experience. Family takes effort, but you will find that what you put into the relationship will equal what you take away.
As I moved past the superficial ties to inanimate objects, and into the marrow of life I repeatedly find my family as the source off all that I cherish. My family has supported me through the hard times, celebrated me in the good, and allowed me to do the same in return. Hard times would be a lot harder without the support of family. Similarly, successful ventures would not mean as much if not shared amongst loved ones. With the help of my family, I have been creating an emotional tapestry of memories as vibrant as a rainbow in the sky after a thunderstorm. I will cherish these memories, experiences and people until the day I die - a day I welcome, in due time, because I know that I will live an amazing life because I choose to cherish family and experiences over possessions.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Writing Assignment #2 - My Favourite Childhood Place
Over the Hill and Through the Woods....
My childhood was full of wonderful, fantastic and somewhat magical experiences. However, there are two important places that I will always remember. One being my maternal grandparents cabin on Fishing Lake, and the other, my paternal grandmother’s house. Both of which happened to be 15 minutes away from each other! As much as I cherish my lakefront memories, it is my Granny’s house that I hold most dear to my heart. Partially due to the fact she passed away unexpectedly a few short days ago, and the pang of melancholy still beats strong. Yet, my Grandma’s house is most cherished because at Granny’s people were more precious than possessions.
Regine Anne Cruickshank was an extraordinary lady full of love, compassion and a good dose of English grit. Her house was always a safe heaven, and everyone was always welcome. Granny’s house frequently smelled of freshly baked buns. They were her specialty, and always requested. She was never too busy to listen, never too busy to offer guidance, and always knitting someone special - something special.
Granny loved life. She lived for the moment, yet loved reminiscing about memories past. Her house reflected that. As I previously mentioned, Granny valued people over possessions. That isn’t to say that she didn’t own anything – because that lady had more trinkets, knickknacks, and whatcha-ma-call-its than anyone I know. These knick-knacks were Granny’s treasures brought back from adventures all over the world: some collected; some gifted. Granny didn’t care that her house looked cluttered, since she was surrounded by memories of the people she loved, and who loved her.
My family and I spent a great deal of time at my Grandmother’s house, especially in my childhood. Every (english) Easter, every (english) Christmas was spent at Granny’s house. Baba and Gigi got us for the Ukrainian holidays, so it worked out well. With Granny now gone, there will be no more holidays, or precious memories to be had at Granny’s house. Soon it will be sold off to the highest bidder. Undoubtedly, that will be a very sad day. However, Granny’s house will live on. For when I have grandchildren of my own, I will teach them to value family over possessions, to be happy everyday, and to surround themselves with what they love.
Peace, Love and Laughter Y'all
Friday, August 13, 2010
Another Finished "Life at Quest" Video!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Life At Quest!
Writing Assignment #1 - The Worst Day of my Life
It is hard for me to describe the worst day of my life. Not because it is hard for me to articulate my feelings, or that there are too many to choose from. No, the difficulty stems from my inability to label the worst day of my life as just one day. How can twenty-four hours, at the most, contain everything that brought you to one particular point? Since, more often than not, many factors contribute to creating that one particularly devastating event. As well, one particularly devastating event may show up unexpected; yet leave a trail of unpleasantness in its wake. To complicate matters even more, the “worst day of your life” can also be the best thing for you. Even though it is hard to encapsulate the worse day of your life into one day, “the worst day of your life” is typically the defining moment of that challenging situation.
Competitive sport, and everything that went with it was my definition of being alive. It was my life. It was who I was, and all that I identified with. Thanks to sport my life had meaning, direction, and I had something to look forward to everyday. I was deeply, utterly and passionately in love with what I did, and then one day everything changed.
I am not exactly sure when it happened, but the burning desire to compete and prove myself on the international scene died. I started envisioning myself traveling, doing other amazing things, and going to school. This made me nervous. I thought to myself, “Whoa, there are still two more years until the Vancouver Olympics: no more of these crazy thoughts. FOCUS.” But try as I might to focus on training, competing, and what I had set out to accomplish I was craving something different. My heart was not in it anymore. It was time to go. All I had to do was find the courage to leave. Easier said then done.
My big ‘ah-ha moment’ came September 2008, at the final testing camp before the start of the Bobsleigh season. I was eerily nonchalant about achieving excellent results at our testing camp and okay with it. This freaked me out. Not that I was eerily nonchalant about performing well at the testing camp, but that I was actually OK with it. This was not who I was. Typically, anytime I test my abilities I get extremely motivated to be as close to perfect as humanly possible. So, being rather laid back about the whole experience was kind of shocking. Yet, the atypical, non a-type personality traits were not enough to make me realize my heart just was not in it anymore, and really there was no other choice but to leave.
It was not long after this when I did finally realize it was time to move one. This happened when I stepped out of the “me mentality” and actually observed the world around me. I saw how passionate the new recruits and girls on the development team were. They wanted to be there more than anything, and I could barely piece together the motivation to be there. I was standing in their way. It wasn’t just about me, and my issues. Just because I happened to be more talented at pushing a heap of metal and fiberglass down a chunk of ice, did not give me the right to be there. I was unhappy, frustrated with the politics, and needed to do what was best for the team and myself. So I left, at the protest of the entire team, I left.
I grabbed my cell phone and snuck out of the side door before testing was even finished. This was it. This was the moment. The decision had been made and there was no turning back. I scanned the area for someplace to shelter myself before the dam exploded. My fingers dialed my mom’s number before I even realized what I was doing. I needed to talk to someone, and she was my person. I burst into tears as soon as she answered the phone. I cried so hard my body was heaving and my eyes were blind with tears. I needed to let go of that part of me, a part that had been a huge piece of my life. I dragged myself through this heart wrenching process. Then I just let go, and as quickly as the sorrow came, it left. After that, I took a deep breath and I realized the world had not come to an end. My world did not end. I was still alive, still breathing, and I had a whole world of possibilities in front of me.
Life has been very interesting since that day. I’ve done some traveling, other amazing things, and now I am back at school. There are still days where my heart aches to be back in that world. There are still holes left unfilled, and some days I still don’t feel alive, but those are just some days. Throughout this process I also realized that I am much more than just an athlete. People love me for who I am, not what I do. I have so much more to offer – thank goodness for that! Being an Olympian means I will be branded “athlete” till the end of my days, but that is just one of the many words to describe who I am.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Back to the Blog!
- Stand up for who you want to be, and your life decisions - I got a lot of flack for the decisions I was making. It felt right at the time. I was following what my heart was telling me, and stuck to my "guns" - so to say! (I think that if I would not have gone to hippie camp I would have found my way to where I am now a little easier, and struggled a little less - but hey, these are the character building moments, and the stories are always worth a laugh of too. Since I can now laugh at the experience, it's a win-win for everyone!)
- Always be willing to try new things, and get out of your comfort zone. It is easy to look at the negative side of things, get down on ourselves and count our failures. But only we get to choose our lives, our attitudes, and how we perceive our realities - so why not find the lesson in every experience. If we stay stuck in our routines, and never get out of our comfort zone - A. We will never grow as individuals, and B. We will never find other things that we are passionate about - like sleeping in tents!
- I really enjoy talking to people, and helping them understand anything I can teach. Even thought I still feel a little embarrassed that I got all preachy about the raw food culture I did really enjoy sharing my knowledge with anyone who would listen. It showed me the passion I have for sharing knowledge, which is a side of myself I hope to nurture, and capitalize on. However, hopefully it is something a little less cultish, and more... dare I say it - practical.
- I learnt that I can handle pretty much anything! I may have had to climb into a tree to find solitude, but at least I learnt self preservation! (okay, maybe a little dramatic!) As well, I can relate to a whole lot of experiences now that I wouldn't have otherwise been able to do.
- I discovered a new passion - cooking! I spent a lot of time experimenting with recipes and learnt the art of food blending. I studied which tastes go well with each other. The basics behind making things taste good! I realized that I LIKED to be in the kitchen, inventing new things, upgrading old recipes, or trying anything that sounded interesting.
- AND, we really do not need to eat as much meat as we think we do. There is lots of great plant protein that is good for you, and tastes great. Not only is taking a meat timeout good for you it also helps to lower the stress that meat production has on the earth.