My Name is Jaime, and this is my Blog. I have entitled it "J'aime la vie". In French "J'aime" means "I Love" and "la Vie" means life. So really this blog is about loving life and the journey along the way! Follow along with me as I travel, learn and discover. Read about my crazy adventures and memorable stories. I’ll be passing along helpful tidbits of information from my life and my studies on how to keep the body, mind and soul nourished. So stay tuned! Peace, Love and Laughter y'all!
Friday, March 4, 2011
"Dot - the World's Smallest Stop Motion Character"
Saturday, February 26, 2011
How Life at Quest Can Benefit from a Storytelling Call to Action
Telling Your Story: A workshop with Kahli Ashanti

Storytelling Workshop - Day 1:
Yesterday I attended a fantastic storytelling workshop put on byPeer Giving Solutions (the programmers of the Life at Quest website). The workshop was lead by a wonderful, funny and talented man named,
Kahlil Ashanti.Here’s the take home message from Day 1: If you don’t think that you have a story to tell, your wrong. Stop apologizing for your story and tell it anyway! Find the courage to find your voice. I have a secret for you… You have relevance, and your story matters. For those of you who think someone else’s story is better than your own, you’re wrong too! There is no one in the world like you. Yes, of course there are similar stories, but no one can tell your story like you can. Find a way to make your media matter, even if your mom is the only person who reads it! For those that think, “no one is going to listen to me”… You never know how your words are going to inspire someone else. All right, so we’re not all born storytellers. That’s okay! Start where you are, wherever that is! At least give yourself the benefit of sucking! Be real, be honest and people will respond. People don’t need Shakespeare to get them inspired; they need a story they can connect with. In the words of Kahlil, “Your biggest asset is what you already are!”
Storytelling Workshop – Day 2:
Today was the second day of the storytelling workshop put on by Peer Giving Solutions and lead by Kahlil Ashanti (I am working on getting Kahlil up to Quest to do a workshop with us. He’ll come if we invite him!)
Theme of Day Two: branding your story. Take Home Message: personalize your passion. As storytellers, we need to make people care about our story, build trust and create relationships. When we show viewers a human side, they will react in a human way. Whether that’s sharing our unique experiences, gaining exposure for an issue we care about or raising money for a cause. We are attracted to these causes for a reason. Unless people know what our personal stakes are, they aren’t going to care.
Peel back the layers that are getting in the way of you being human and having a human voice online. In the words of magic school bus teacher, Ms. Frizzle, “Get messy, make mistakes and have fun”. Life is in the mistakes. If you are not afraid, you aren’t risking enough. Be bold enough to be honest with your stories. You never know how you are going to influence people! Be brave so they can be!
Over the past week, Kahlil has been helping me craft my story. It’s a work in progress, but I am excited for the final draft. Sneak peak: it’s a story about a girl who had enough courage to walk away from her “dream” life in order to find herself. She needed to live her own life, by her rules. Her quest to re-find herself has led her on an exciting new journey at Quest University. STAY TUNED!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
February Block - Social Media Independent Study
The February 2011 block has started off rather chaotically! It all started by switching out of an independent study, hoping to get into a particular class, ended up in another, ONLY to find myself in a completely different independent study after the block had already begun. PHEW!
This new independent study is an exploration into the world of Social Media. (Exciting and terrifying!) This opportunity came about because of my involvement with the Life at Quest site. For the past 5 months I have lead the amazing student team as the student communications coordinator. It has been an incredible experience. I have already learnt a lot, but I am finding out that I have SO MUCH left to learn. However, I am grateful for the challenge!
Recently my "boss" and Life at Quest site administrator, Barbara Cummings, informed me that she is leaving Quest to pursue other opportunities. Her early dedication to the site made it possible for the rest of us to bring it alive! I am going to miss her a lot. She has been a great resource and a great friend. Also, Her departure means that I will be stepping into her shoes, on top of my current responsibilities to the site, as a student and everything else I volunteer for. (GULP!)
Normally, I would have been hyperventilating at the thought of learning my new responsibilities accompanied by the increased workload for the site ON TOP of my insanely busy life. However, a flash of pure brilliance came to me. Why not dedicate this month to learning about social media and apply that knowledge to Life at Quest?! I could take on Barb’s role, and improve the site – it’s really a win-win for everyone! Luckily, the administration and faculty at Quest are INCREDIBLE and my support system came together in 2 days. I had 3 days to gather all the learning material, online resources and to create a syllabus detailing what I would accomplish over the next month! Double PHEW!
I have just embarked on this journey, but I already know this: social media is here to stay. The world is now connecting at an alarming rate through blogs, My-Space pages, YouTube videos, Flickr photos, Facebook posts and twitter feeds. For those who still think that social media is a fad, check out This Video. The statistics are quite startling. Although Quest has made good headway with our social media campaign, we have barely scratched the surface. Throughout this block I hope to figure out how we can optimize our efforts, so that we can get our story out there. Social marketing campaigns are built on the stories the storytellers tell! I might be bias, but here at Quest we’ve got a remarkable story that needs to be heard – especially since we are on a mission to create the next world leaders!
“The ability to see our lives as stories rather than unrelated, random events increases the possibility for significant and purposeful action”
– Daniel Taylor
Author, Tell Me a Story: The Life-shaping Power of Our Stories

Storytelling Workshop - Day 1:
Today I attended a fantastic storytelling workshop put on by Peer Giving Solutions (the programmers of the site). The workshop was lead by a wonderful, funny and talented man named, Kahlil Ashanti.
Here’s the take home message from Day 1:If you don’t think that you have a story to tell, your wrong. Stop apologizing for your story and tell it anyway! Find the courage to find your voice. I have a secret for you… You have relevance, and your story matters. For those of you who think someone else’s story is better than your own, you’re wrong too! There is no one in the world like you. Yes, of course there are similar stories, but no one can tell your story like you can. Find a way to make your media matter, even if your mom is the only person who reads it! For those that think, “no one is going to listen to me”… You never know how your words are going to inspire someone else. All right, so we’re not all born storytellers. That’s okay! Start where you are, wherever that is! At least give yourself the benefit of sucking! Be real, be honest and people will respond. People don’t need Shakespeare to get them inspired; they need a story they can connect with. They need a story they can find themselves in. People are hurting, and they need your passion – whatever it is! In the words of Kahlil, “Your biggest asset is what you already are!”
That was just Day 1! More to follow next week.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Competing At the 2006 Olympics - Reflections of an Extreme Tobogganer

Being an athlete at the Olympics is a larger than life experience! The whole event from start to finish is a giant rollercoaster of emotions – loop-de-loops included. For many athletes, myself included, competing at the Olympics is a childhood dream. In fact, some days I still feel as though my Olympic experience was all a dream. In the moment I was so immersed in the experience my feelings about the whole event seemed normal. A few months later the experience was still so fresh, and the pure exhilaration of a momentous accomplishment was still pulsing through my veins. At that time it still seemed reasonable for the Olympics to feel like one fantastic dream. However, it has been 5 years since I donned the red and white for my country at the 20th Olympic Winter games in the sport of bobsleigh, and it still feels like a dream. Maybe competing at the Olympics will always feel like a dream, who knows? But, as I sit here and reflect on my Olympic experience the event is still crisp in my mind; a memory etched into my consciousness forever.
When I was still an Olympic hopeful I had the pleasure of listening to an Olympian reflect on her Olympic experience. She told us that marching into the Olympic stadium was going to be the experience of a lifetime, and it was. I was filled with so much pride I wanted to burst. She also said, “When the Olympic Flame lights the Olympic Cauldron, that flame will also set fire to your heart. This is a flame that will be with you for the rest of your life. For once you are an Olympian, you will always be an Olympian.” So this is where the journey down memory lane begins, with the lighting of the flame inside my heart.
Technically speaking, an athlete becomes an Olympian after the cauldron is lit at the Opening Ceremonies, and the Games are declared open. Is that where athletes actually become Olympic, where I became an Olympian? No. No, because the elements that ignited the fire in my heart where set in place long before I marched into the Olympic Stadium. No, because the foundation was built through a lifetime of hard work, pain, joy, determination, blood, sweat and tears. No, because the countless hours of practice and dedication to excellence allowed me to walk into the Olympic stadium. Through hard work, and the encouragement of many coaches, my parents, and those who believed in me, I was able to accomplish greatness.
As you can see, an athlete becomes Olympic long before they march into the Olympic stadium for the first time. Yet, the moment the Olympic Cauldron is lit, is the moment all hard work, sweat, blood and tears become worth it. Every sacrifice – big and small –becomes meaningful. In that moment you know you have achieved a momentous goal. You revel in the pride pulsing through your veins, you smile bigger than you’ve ever smiled in your life, and possibly you shed a few tears of joy. AND THEN, you realize that your journey is far from over. Although you are very proud of how far you’ve come, you know there is work left to do. In mere days you will go toe-to-toe with the best athletes in the world. You’ve worked incredibly hard to get inside the Olympic stadium, but you are not here as a spectator. You are here to compete!
For most athletes when they qualify for the Olympics they know they will be competing - barring an injury or personal tragedy. However, when you are a brake“person” on a bobsleigh team your fate is a little more questionable. I was the first bobsleigh athlete to qualify for the 2006 Olympic team, yet the last to have a secure racing position. I wasn’t able to secure my racing place until after the Games had begun. The 2005-2006 bobsleigh season was the most stressful year of my life. As a brake“person”, every time you step onto the bobsleigh track, it matters. Every time you push a bobsleigh, it counts (that’s what we do at the start). Whether it be training or racing, your performance is always being measured against your teammates. For the last 5 years Canada has had the strongest, most successful pushing teams in the world. During the 2006 Olympics 2 sleds got to race, with 2 spots for Olympic brakewomen (women compete as a duo, where men compete as 2’s and 4’s) and 3 girls worthy of those 2 spots (I was one of those girls). This made choosing who got to race and who had to watch extremely difficult. The final brakeman decision for the Canada II pilot (Suzanne Gavine-Hlady) was between myself, and the second brakeman of the Canada I sled (2nd brakeman: Kaillie Humphries – current Olympic gold medalist, Canada 1 pilot: Helen Upperton – current Olympic silver medalist).
All year Suzanne and I had been teammates. As a team we had consistently pushed top 2 start times, and came close to a few international start records (start times are the brakeman’s claim to fame in the bobsleigh world). Together we slid to the best finishes of her entire bobsleigh career. Needless to say, we were performing well together. We sacrificed a lot for each other, and were there for each other. However, the federation wanted to make sure that the fastest teams were together, whatever the cost to team cohesion. In a sport where winning and losing can come down to .01s, the coaches wanted to make sure they had all their bases covered. Two weeks before the Olympics Kaillie and I went through a series of push offs (Push offs = 1 brakeman pushes pilot one run, the other brakeman the other. Fastest time wins.) I won by .01s and declared the racing brakeman…or so I thought. The night before opening ceremonies the head coach announced that Kaillie and I would be pushing off…again…a week before competition….over not one, but two-days. I was scared that all my hard work would amount to nothing- that in the final hour my racing spot would be snatched away from me. At the beginning of the season Suzanne and I had made a pact to each other to start and finish this journey together. It was heartbreaking to think that we had come this far, and we were inches away from losing all that we had worked for. Two ridiculous push offs later and the spot was finally, and rightfully mine. PHEW!
For clarity sake here’s a step-by-step progression of events:
Step 1: Decide to become an Olympian at age 8
Step 2: Devote entire life to being an athlete (3 national teams – 3 different sports – age 12-20. I had just turned 20 a month before the Olympics.)
Step 3: Work rear end off to qualify for the Olympics
Step 4: Arrive at Olympic Village
Step 5: Enjoy Opening Ceremonies
Step 6: Leave for training camp in Switzerland and fight tooth and nail for racing spot with current teammate
Step 7: Get back to Olympic Village
Step 8: Do 6 runs of official training
Which brings us to Step 9: Compete!
For a long time I felt ashamed and embarrassed abut my performance. I thought I should have done more, and that I disappointed a lot of people who were counting on me to “succeed”. Even though I earned my racing spot, I thought the federation had made a mistake letting me race. I thought it would have been better if we had crashed. And then I realized that way of thinking was a self-imposed prison. It was my choice to think like that or not. I earned my spot, and did what I could in that moment. Do I wish the moment could have been different? Absolutely. Do I regret anything? Absolutely not.
There is a saying called “Olympic luck”, which basically means that anything goes at the Olympics. There’s a huge chance that the favorites will crumble or under perform, as a result the “underdogs” “wild cards” and “dark horses” tend to over perform. Suzanna and I were the wild card team and I was hoping for an Olympic miracle. I didn’t get it. Yet, what I have come to realize is the lessons I learned on the road to becoming an Olympian are invaluable. These lessons are something that universities can’t teach and money can’t buy. But they can be shared!
The Olympics fosters some of the biggest triumphs, and the deepest disappointments. Yet, sometimes when you lose, you win. My Olympic success came when I moved past the results and harnesses my experience in a positive way. Once the competition is over only the memories, the lessons and the burning hearts remain.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Wisdom from our k-9 Companions:
- When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
- Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
- Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure Ecstasy.
- Take naps.
- Stretch before rising.
- Run, romp, and play daily.
- Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
- Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
- On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.
- On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree
- When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
- Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
- Be loyal.
- If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
- When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently.
A message from a wonderful friend

Sunday, January 2, 2011
Since It's Christmas and Because I am a Girl!
The request I made to my family must have touched my mother’s giant heart. For, she also made a donation to the charity and bought her nieces (and myself) t-shirts supporting the cause! My one aunt unfortunately didn’t receive my Christmas wish. Although she has a big heart and her intentions were pure, she gave me a card full of money instead. True to my Christmas pledge, I donated the money to Because I am a Girl and bought my girlfriends the same t-shirts! Who known’s how these shirts will inspire my friends and others in the future!
Although my Christmas bounty was significantly smaller, I receive something much more valuable! It did not bother me in the slightest to give up my presents, because I knew I made a difference in someone’s life. I live in a family where I have more than I need. That is not the case for many people in this world. Although Christmas has turned into a capitalistic corporate machine and it is easy to become bitter, lets not forget what the essence of what Christmas stands for. To me that essence is celebrating with loved ones, and sharing your good fortune with others.
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give" Winston Churchill
Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight!
A walk with Rumi

I recently finished a book titled, “Forty rules of love – a book of Rumi”. This book touched my soul, and its message came at a time when I needed it. (Funny how that happens!) Lately, I have been searching for a bit of inner guidance - neither religious nor “new wave spirituality”. I’ve tried them both, and although they work for many people neither of these paths are not mine to walk. Not that I believe that I am superior, just different.
I began searching because I have been feeling a little lost, empty and in search of something….more. I was raised in the Anglican tradition (the semi-made up church of England), and celebrated Ukrainian traditions on the high holy days. I don’t think that I was ever really religious. At church as a child I listened politely to the stories, sang the song, but mostly colored in my coloring book! After being confirmed, I left the church in search of something else. (A little bit backwards I know - to confirm my “faith” in the church, only to leave it once I reached the age “deemed fit to make that decision”, but there you have it). I was always unsettled to think that God only heard our prayers once a weak in a certain places. Or that people only talked to god when they needed something.
Since a child I have always had a communication with “god” (whomever or whatever you want to call that “presence”) that is constant, and all encompassing. So what did I need people teeling me what to do for? God was inside me, and so I began my own spiritual journey. This journey has lead to me to many different places - elite athletics: gymnastics, track & field and bobsledding, and eventually a more spiritual world. Praying to the god of athletics, I got lost in the perpetual drive for competitive excellence. Then my brief, yet intense love affair with the world of yoga and all things “mystical” had me lost is their esoteric ways. That came to a crashing halt as I met person, after person on the path that was more angry, bitter and dissatisfied than most “unenlightened” people.
As I mentioned before, I have always believe that “GOD” as we so readily call him, her, or whatever is within me, as it is with all of us. “Heaven” and “hell” resides within all of us as well – both constituting the emotional states we put our “mortal souls” through on a daily basis. That small voice inside us (and I am not talking about schizophrenia – which is a chemical imbalance within the brain, and something we are all susceptible to) is in fact “God”. No wonder there are so many versions of god, as there are so many version of reality among individuals. To demand that everyone subscribe to one version of “God” outside themselves is cure and unusual punishment, and for a long time it actually was.
Cognitively speaking “God” can be localized in a specific part of our brain. This “God Gene” as is has been dubbed, effects everyone in different ways. For some the impacts are stronger than others. (Probably the reason why some are believers, while others doubt.) The localization of the God gene highly impacted both scholarly and religious communities. Proof that God didn’t exist for the former, and proof that God did exist for the later. My argument: WHO CARES? Who cares if God exists or not? We are all wondering blindly on the path of life. We all have to walk our own path, and no two paths will ever be the same. We all need to subscribe to the "rules" that make sense to us, and forget about the rest.
So here I am - neither believing in Gods existence as the religious would have me believe, or disbelieving in gods existence as the scholars would have me believe. I exist in a world where I am carving my own path, yet remain open to the wisdom and suggestions of others. Which brings me to one of my new year’s resolutions: a 365-day quest, a quest of Rumi- the infamous poet of love. He preached about a love that was open to all people, all religions, and all interpretations. I found a book of interpreted poems by Rumi – 365 of them to be exact. My goal is to read a poem by Rumi each day for the next year to see where it takes me. I hope throughout this journey to find a deeper love within myself for myself, for others and for one other.
And so I begin, on the first day of 2011 with the first poem of Rumi.
Wish me luck!