My good friend serendipity recently popped by for a little visit. I am always glad to see her, for she leaves wonderful revelations in her wake!
It is just over 3-weeks until I leave for my course and am starting to get very excited. I have found a comfortable routine and happiness at home with mumsie and papa-sicle in Saskatoon, so I haven’t given much thought to my apprenticeship at the living centre. However, spontaneous smiles and bursts of energy are becoming more frequent! Part of the program is a 7-month correspondence course to be done at home, with one month or so dedicated to each of the 7 key aspects to living peace and empowering yourself in order to empower others.
I am currently working on the second chapter, peace with the mind, and am thoroughly enjoying my latest assignment. My assignment in reality is to do arts and crafts, what fun! I am creating a vision/ dream board. (Well mine happens to be a book, but more on that later!) I wouldn’t be surprised if some of you rolled your eyes at the thought of a vision board, thinking all this new age mumbo-jumbo is a big pile of phooey! Vision boards are said to bring you anything you wish for in your life, however this is only partially true in my opinion. They do not cast a magic spell over your life. Just because you put a sentence or desired image onto your board does not mean that it is automatically going to happen. I believe that we will only manifest things that are in harmony with our deepest desires, wishes and wants, as well as, situations that will teach us and give us tools in order to achieve these desires, wishes and wants. For example, when I started having feelings about quitting bobsledding I got scared. After watching ‘The Secret” I got the bright idea to create a dream board to force myself to stay in the sport. I filled it with images and phrases about wining medals, pushing start records and achieving things no one else in the world had ever done before. I figured if I were to achieve these things it would bring me happiness and I would stay in the sport. As I was creating my vision board none of what I put down really resonated with me or inspired me. I never really felt good about what I put down. None of these things came true, which is not a big surprise. But, I learnt many valuable lessons during that time. I also started observing my feelings and their connections to outcomes. The journey to embodiment starts there - with observation. Since then I have created new visions. However, instead of creating a vision board I let the vision board be created through me!
Vision boards may not be magic, but they certainly are a powerful and enlightening tool for our subconscious mind to communicate with our conscious mind. In creating a vision board you start to define the who, what, and where of your life. Who you are right now? Who do you want to become? What tools do you need in order to get to WHERE ever that is? As well, you begin to make connections in regards to your current state of mine. Are you ecstatic because you are walking down the path that is in harmony with your authentic self? OR are you moody, angry or depressed because somewhere you have taken a detour and are now lost without a map to guide you back? Either way a vision board can help you visually see what it is you want in life. Basically, a vision board is a creative way to externalize your goals. Once you become conscious to the who, what, and where you automatically attune yourself to that particular frequency, thus “calling” those things into your life: what you think about, you bring about, right! Each of us has the power and the ability to create our own lives as we see them, as long as it is something we truly want. So to quote another cliché phrase: be careful what you wish for….. because you might just get all those amazing things you have been wishing for!
As I mentioned before, I recently had a fascinating serendipitous moment! When I got home from India I decided to create a Dream Book for myself. I was going to fill it with pictures from happy memories of the past, as well as, things I wanted to experience in the future. (Without attachment of course!) I was inspired by one of the girls on the trip who had a book filled with cutouts of things that she wanted to surround herself with. I took that idea and evolved it to fit my needs. I was very motivated at the beginning. I printed off pictures from my albums, information on trips I wanted to go on. However, life as it so easily can, got in the way and my dream book got put aside. But, a couple weeks ago I suddenly had the urge to finish creating this book, so I did. I started scanning magazines for inspirational words and pictures. I made a cover, and collaged the back and inside pages. The very next day, the very NEXT day after I had finished decorating my book I came to my next assignment, “Creating your life.” Where I was to create a vision board. My jaw dropped! I couldn’t believe it. How had I known that this was something I needed to do, that I needed to get this book ready? The universe is a wondrous place!
My original plans for this book have now expanded to include this assignment, and more, and am very happy they have! My teachers sparked new ideas and ignited a creative fire! I am very proud of what I am creating, and am filled with a lot of happiness when I flip through the pages! I have always had a creative side, but have not made time to tend to that flame. It feels very good to be artistic again and my ideas are getting more and more complex! But really, I don’t think I could do it any other way! I also love that my creative goal setting is in a book, which makes it very portable for a gypsy soul!
Another serendipitous moment occurred this morning. My mother likes to read our horoscopes at breakfast. I had to laugh when she read my horoscope this morning. Capricorn: Stop worrying about whether or not a project is going to take off. You will learn what you need to learn to make all your dreams come true. Keep at it. Time is on your side. Okay, Okay universe I’m listening. I’ll back off with the whole control thing and just let it happen in time! I am not done creating though!
So now what are you waiting for, you powerful divine child of the earth? Go create the life YOU want!
Peace, love and laughter y’all!
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