Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Right Now

Today I sat down with Shantree and Lorena to check in.  We had a great talk, and so many things came to the surface.  I was real with my feelings and told them exactly how I was feeling without being scared, or judging myself if that was the right thing to do or say.  I am still lost and confused, but I know that I need to be here.  I need to let go of the fight I am having with myself.  I have been struggling for so long to project this image of what I think other people want me to be.  I am exhausted and I am going to take the time to heal me and get off the speeding train that has become my life.  I never gave myself the time I needed to unwind after the craziness of the Olympics and have been fighting to keep my head above the water ever since.  I feel as thought I am going to have to tune out a bit and just spend some time with me and explore.  If you don’t hear from me don’t worry.  I am healing and will write when I can.

Peace, Love and Laughter

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